Monday, August 3, 2009

Can do!

My CSA shares box contained a huge head of cauliflower, and my green beans are growing like crazy. So I decided to turn that extra produce into mixed vegetable pickles. I used a garlic-dill pickle recipe. Again, I have to wait two weeks to taste them, but they look pretty in the jar.

I also found apricots and peaches on sale, so I decided to make jam. Unfortunately, it took so long to peel, cut and boil down the jam, I was working in the kitchen for 4 hours. The jam turned out runny, but it tastes yummy, so I guess all the work was worth it.

Of course, I had to bake bread to go along with the homemade jam. This time, I baked sourdough rolls, using sourdough starter I've kept in my kitchen since I took a Living History Farms sourdough baking class this winter. The rolls turned out great, even though I think I forgot to add the 1/2 cup milk that was called for in the King Arthur Flour recipe.

I also found time to make peanut-butter chocolate bars. So good!

Josh and I finished half the pan in just one night!

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